Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bookmark Swap - Morgan

I got mail from Morgan a few weeks ago, she had seen my blog and we emailed a little. Now I got her as my swap-partner in this swap! And guess what, she sent me so much goodies I was a little overwhelmed, in a good way, since this swap was only for a bookmark!

I love the crocheted bookmark the best. She made it in my favourite colors and without a scheme to follow. I love that it is hand made and that she tailored it to my tastes. You are so talented Morgan! Now I enjoy opening my book even more :) Then she added a bookmark pen, lots of teas I can't wait to try and a red and white dishtowel (even though I'm not fond of the tomato applique I am really happy for the fabric which is very nice and I'm thinking I'll make it into a small tablecloth or perhaps the lining for a bag), together with a pretty card and a sweet and long message inside. Thank you so much, Morgan, this was a lovely surprise.


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