Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Apron

Here it is. Simple lines but adorned with cute laces on a floral red and white print. Everything is cotton. The pattern I made up along the way, trying out diffrent styles and settling one detail after the other. But I knew from the start that I wanted to be able to hang it up at the middle of the apron so it wont touch the floor and get dusty (we get dusty corners at a regular basis). I am really happy with how it turned out!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oh, I'll Show You Tomorrow.. !

What? The apron of course! I finished it finally and will show you some pictures tomorrow, I promise.

Heaps of Flowers

Last night D's mother rang our bell and delivered a bunch of gorgeous fall flowers, as a congratulation for getting my drivers license. They brighten up our kitchen so nicely. I told mum to wait with hers (she wanted to give me flowers she told me when visiting yesterday) until this weekend, when the doors are out of the way and I can enjoy her gift all the better. Suddenly I get to have fresh flowers at home for quite a while. I love mums! Thank you both, you are the best.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Cheap Tuesday

Mum and dad called on me. We celebrated my drivers license with cookies and tea and then we went to my favorite thrift store.


The last couple of days I've been painting doors. There are three doors in our apartment and the two leading to our livingroom needed a lick of paint. As we have no place to do this other than this same apartment everything is in chaos as the doors are being painted in the middle of our livingroom - which affects everything else. I am about halfway through painting them, they unfortunatly needed more coats than I thought.

Current craft project is that apron I've been telling you about. But it's taking it's time since chaos acts as a dampener on my creativity, and I've been embroidering which always is a slow process for me. Here is a sneak peak:

Drivers License!

I did it. Yesterday I passed the final test and got the paper slip that works as a drivers license until I get the real one next week. The test itself was a nightmare, I felt like I did everything wrong driving through the city. When we were through driving and I was told I passed I couldn't believe it. I phoned D. and through sobs I shakily told him the good news. Then I calmed down and went and bought myself a gorgeous handmade teapot (by a local craftwoman) to be given to me by D. as a reward for this achievement. Isn't he great? ;)

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Mushroom Hunt

Today I went into the woods on a mushroom hunt. I found a few tasty chantarelles, just enough to fry in butter and adorn two sandwiches together with salt and pepper. Yum! Then there were a lot of mushrooms I wasn't at all sure about, so them I took some pictures of and left where they were.

Friday, August 25, 2006


This is a quickie, have to begin making dinner now! But first I made these orange-chocolat-coconut-totally-mad-muffins. I do hope D. likes them, I made them to cheer him up a little.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

There is a New Cat in Town

Last night I wanted to sew something and found this pattern. So here she is - Maja! I had to try several ideas for style and eventually found out that she likes wearing lace and a hat.

Maja loves rhubarb pie and tea. A slow walk along the waterfront is also a good way to spend time. Her favourite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, as both she and Jane has that wry sense of humor. She thinks her outfit is lovely but needs a pretty tail decoration some day soon, to top it all off.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oh No, I Spent To Much!

Well, what can I say, I needed more. Everything is from the same large thrift shop. The items you see below are a small part of my findings, but aren't they lovely?

I have spent a few hours (time flies when having fun) surfing craft blogs and there are such incredibly talented women out there. I love that they all want to share images and stories about their homemade things.

And when D. saw todays pin he grunted and turned back to his computer.. it seems he likes simple things, like my black crochet flower hairpin, not yellowy, pearly things. I still like it though!

A Flowery Pin

I decided to join the Swap-bot Tailgate Kick-off apron swap and signed up last night. I do hope more people join us. So this morning saw the beginnings of my swap-apron. But when I needed to get the lace off an old fabric I couldn't find my little tool for this and had to stop. Instead I begun and finished this little pin, made of felt and glass beads and topped of with the smallest little swarowski bead.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Something new

Yes, this is my first entry in this blog. I simply had to get one as I wanted to swap with the others at Gimme your stuff! Although I will get registered there I think I'll wait just a little while and get my nerves up.

The image above is from an auction I went to yesterday. I bid on the buttons but it got to pricey for me. The embroidery dad bought, mostly because he fell in love with it. Mum now has promised him it will be allowed to hang above his bed. The embroidered text says 'Kuckelikuu, the clock has struck seven. The rooster is awake and you are still sleeping.' Something like that anyhow. I finally got to win a few old items, most noteworthy among them being:
  • a wristwatch from Lambert Bros Jewellers, New York, still working just fine
  • a handle I'm going to use for stamping
  • a beautiful Parker pen, nr 51, an original from the 40's
  • stamps and labels
  • unwritten letters from Japan (I think)
  • a memorandium book

The rest of the stuff that I didn't want are up for grabs here, where you at the moment also will find:
  • a necklace I made of moonstone, sweetwater pearls, silverplated pearls and silverfoil hearts
  • a computerthingy I am selling for my boyfriends sake
  • a swedish book about embroidery