Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I got tired of Blogger being so troublesome and stiff. Please update any links and come visit me at instead.

And Now, Something Diffrent

I just thought this was such a good post I have to share it. It's about recycling and what matters. It's been on my mind lately and this was a little bit of an eyeopener. What really matters seems to be the amount of things I buy, not how much I recycle. I'll try and keep that in mind and I have gotten better at not buying everything. Which doesn't mean that I am where I want to be in this respect - there are so many lovely things out there that I'd just love to own.

Bookmark Swap - Morgan

I got mail from Morgan a few weeks ago, she had seen my blog and we emailed a little. Now I got her as my swap-partner in this swap! And guess what, she sent me so much goodies I was a little overwhelmed, in a good way, since this swap was only for a bookmark!

I love the crocheted bookmark the best. She made it in my favourite colors and without a scheme to follow. I love that it is hand made and that she tailored it to my tastes. You are so talented Morgan! Now I enjoy opening my book even more :) Then she added a bookmark pen, lots of teas I can't wait to try and a red and white dishtowel (even though I'm not fond of the tomato applique I am really happy for the fabric which is very nice and I'm thinking I'll make it into a small tablecloth or perhaps the lining for a bag), together with a pretty card and a sweet and long message inside. Thank you so much, Morgan, this was a lovely surprise.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Embroidery Project Done

2 years later and tadaa. I'm not kidding you. I have enjoyed making this, it's just that I've been enjoying it in small doses and far between. It feels so good that it is done. When I began I didn't think it would take this long. A short while after this one I began another embroidery project which still isn''t finished or even halfway done. Guess that's next on the list now. It's a snowman project so maybe I'll manage to finish it by christmas. That would be great :) I am also glad that I recognised how slow at embroidery I am and refrained from beinning more projects even though I've seen so much I'd like to do.

For you non-Swedish peeps: the text says something like "Tasty buns rolling out of the oven". Which rhymes in Swedish and makes it sound better. Cheesy but kind of fun.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I've been away a couple of days as you might know, and thus missed and forgot the date set to showcase what I bought for the 5-4-3-2..Etsy! pledge. That's why this is a little late, but better now than never :)

I had been looking through the diffrent Etsy shops like forever it seemed and when I saw this pendant in Auriis shop I knew I needed to look no farther. The pendant is itsy bitsy tiny and still manages to have space enough for 7 lines of text from an E. E. Cummings poem! Two good things - poetry and jewelry - rolled into one.

Auriis real name is Laura and she is a very talented freelance illustrator and jewelry designer, with a major in illustration from RISD. I've mailed back and forth a little with her and thus I can tell you how nice she is as well :) If you are interested in her jewelry go here and if you like the pendant I bought you will find an even cuter one here.

Needlework and totes

I've been away a couple of days and brought my latest embroidery project. I hope to show you the finished item today or tomorrow at the latest. This is one that won't go into the shop or be given away, like most things I make :)

When I got home yesterday I made something else for my shop instead. Mum have given me some scraps of fabric which I wanted to use with what I bought the other day. I'm not sure I like these totes myself, they didn't turn out as I thought they would, but they are well made and I hope it's someone elses style.